Leftover Buckwheat Groats!

Here is what  I made last weekend : GROATS!

I ate up all the apples so I just mixed the leftover groats and cream with some fresh berries and YUM! I love leftovers.


I got the recipe from Sidesaddle Kitchen. This girl is super adorable! I love her tag line : Raw. Vegan. Not Gross.


Breakfast Groats (what’s a groat?)


I found this recipe from Laura Miller’s Sidesaddle Kitchen  on her youtube channel who’s tag line is RAW. VEGAN. NOT GROSS. She’s awesome and hilarious and always posts the curtest veggie selfies.

This is a wonderful non smoothie breakfast that you can eat as a cereal or mix with fruit and add a cashew cream. I had no idea what buckwheat groats were. It’s often sold ground up so you can make an oatmeal like hot cereal but for this you’ll need the whole groat which is a seed.

You need to soak some stuff for a few hours so don’t try and make this when you’re super hungry and ready to eat.

I soaked my 2 cups of buckwheat groats overnight.


Aren’t they gorgeous?


2 cups buckwheat groats, soaked 1 hour
1/2 c maple syrup
2 t cinnamon
1 t salt
1/8 t stevia (I used coconut sugar mixed with stevia)

1. Soak buckwheat groats for at least one hour, then rinse
2. Combine all remaining ingredients in a medium-sized bowl
3. Mix thoroughly
4. Spread on a teflex sheet and dehydrate overnight or bake on a silpat in oven at 200 degrees for 1 hour (
5. Pour milk over it. Cereal. Done. (Or keep reading for an even better way of eating it!)


Baked Apples: (optional)
2 apples
1 T coconut oil
1 t vanilla extract
pinch of salt
1 t cinnamon

Cut two apples into small slices, toss with coconut oil, vanilla, salt and cinnamon
Spread onto a teflex sheet and dehydrate overnight, or bake on a silpat sheet in the oven at 200 degrees for 1 hour


Cashew Cream: (optional)
2 cups cashews
½ cup maple syrup
¼ cup lemon juice
1 t vanilla extract
pinch of salt
½ cup coconut oil

Cashew Cream
1. Soak cashews for at least 1 hour, then strain and add to food processor
2. Add maple syrup, lemon juice, vanilla, salt and coconut oil then blend
3. Assemble by placing roasted apples, crumble, and optional cream in layers to make a
breakfast parfait


I layer the groats, apples, then cream until I reached the top of my jar. It was sooo good. It tasted like I should be sneaking out of bed in the middle of the night to stuff my face while feeling like I’m going to get caught. Also I could hardly finish the whole freakin’ jar but a half full jar wouldn’t have made for a very good picture. Tomorrow I’m eating this  s with some blueberries. ImageImage

